ive never been a real fan of the thanksgiving holiday

thits that time of year again, when thanksgiving rolls around and we are required to show up and be thankful for the standard expected things that might not be so gratifying to us underneath our holiday best attire..it puts an expectation on our society and there are people and many family's that are broken and torn apart, making this time of year and meal almost impossible to enjoy, but people don't want to talk about that..ive never been a real fan of the thanksgiving holiday for several of those reasons, but mostly because the standard holiday food is extremely unappealing and gross to me..i used to hate going to family holiday dinners for the simple reason of the pre conversation that happens when people would have put on a game face because of the tension and division between adults in the family automatically firing up the internal defenses..I hated sitting at a table of people who would smile and eat their food with pose, complementing the host with fake praise, pretending to be loving and kind, thankful to all be together, while snickering out of the corner of their mouths to whom ever was sitting next to them..I was once one of those people who showed up out of obligation, participated in fake chatter, and ate the food yet really wanted to actually smack a bitch instead..now a days i prefer and am THANKFUL for the uneventful holiday dinners, where laughter is the musical sound echoing within the home, even if at times its only a party of 2..i have learned that no matter how big the crowd appears or how limited the company seems to be, it is the substance in the threads of the connection that has the most value..you could be sitting at a table of 20 and still feel like the loneliest person in the world which is even sadder if you ask me..may this holiday season give you the courage to be in the setting that brings you the most happiness however that looks and feels to you..be thankful that you are able to follow your heart and bliss without needing permission from the outside world staying true to your own desired flow..when all else fails, be thankful that it is only a 24 hour event and tomorrow is here sooner than you realize..happy thanksgiving ~ peace love faith hope