i heard the voice of Deepok chopra in my headphones

I was at the gym yesterday afternoon just about to get my shit on and begin my climb on the stair machine when I noticed I had my Pandora station set on my meditation station from the day before..just as I was about to switch it over to my inspirational get my ass charging sevendust station, I heard the voice of Deepok chopra in my headphones reminding me about attraction and the laws of this flow..he made a most very profound statement that I actually paused my machine to note it down in my phone to self..QUOTE..YOU ARE ONLY AS ATTRACTIVE AS YOU FEEL YOU DESERVE TO BE..QUOTE.while maybe for most that might blow right over the pretty hairdo that you wear not ever penetrating a word of absolute wisdom, but for me it was a connecting moment of truth, authenticity, knowledge to my specific path..if you can roll that statement around in your mouth for a moment tasting the ingredients of that specific sentence while taking the time to digest it, it might make complete and total sense when looking around at your world, your life, accomplished, unaccomplished and or indifferent..you can take the same sentence and switch the verbiage around to correlate to any part of the human existence and what you are trying to achieve in living life..you are only as successful as you feel you deserve to be, you are only as loving as you feel you deserve to be, you are only as gifted as you feel you deserve to be, you are only as intelligent as you feel you deserve to be..you legitimately are getting in-between your own way and the universe working its coordinates giving you exactly what it is you believe you deserve to receive..so those weak moments, when you decide to beat yourself up and say horrible things to yourself, you just told the universe exactly what it need to gift to you abundantly, and im pretty sure it didn't end up for you like it was intended to..after I was done listening to this wise man repeat the words that at most times we all need to hear, i got my sweat on with a clear conscious purging out the inadequate feelings that sometimes linger in the backburner of your mind..one simply statement can effect you on levels that are in need of being effected if you are able to connect the dots and move past the lower self that doesn't like you to be or become healthy...you are only as healthy as you feel you deserve to be..with this i wish you all much peace and love in your evolution of self..peace love faith hope