I continued to LOVE to a level greater than I ever imagined I could, making that my super human power which would make most bitter nasty bitches instead
Bodywork, connection, friendship, life journey, new age, relationship, soul, Uncategorizedadoption, blog, blogging, child, compassion, faith, family, friends, health, hope, humanity, life, love, magic wand, peace, people, recovery, society, survivng, survivng abuse, tough love, toxic people, truth, unwed mothers, writing
an open letter to my birthday girl entering her twenties today..oye
connection, friendship, life journey, new age, relationship, soul, Uncategorizedabundance, baby, birthday, child, courage, faith, hope, human experiences, IDF, Israel, jewish mother, joy, kids, life, love, magic, military, mom, mother, motherhood, parents, people, self discovery, self love, self worth, spirituality, spirtual beliefs, truth, wisdom
I'm a damn good fucking mother
connection, life journey, relationship, soul, Uncategorizedchild, children, courage, daughters, human experiences, love, marriage, mom, mother, motherhood, parenting, people, self discovery, spirituality, unconditional love, wisdom
the last time i got to hug my daughter shezaf
connection, friendship, life journey, love, relationship, soul, Uncategorizedabroad, adventures, child, children, coffee, commitment, courage, dads, facetime, families, hard days, hugs, IDF, iphone, Israel, life, mothers, parenting, soldier, starbucks, support, travel