This is a Cleint-Centered coaching partnership that guides them towards the results they are committed to achieve for personal/ professional or spiritual growth. It is composed of a series of sessions or a time sensitive program that allows the client to regain or ignite a source of passion, momentum or energy that has been missing. It works by setting the client up for success, while giving themself the permission to reclaim or take charge & action over their life for a better, healthier, happier one. Here are some life examples of why people hire a coach.
Read MoreWinter Solstice is the celebration of the suns light coming back around, marking the ending of the darkest period in its season as the days begin to now become longer & longer. In ancient times in the Northern Hemesphere they believed this specific day was the suns rebirth, the moment or reset which is why throughout out time time its been celebrated as the dawn of the new beginning. This specific energy is about the revival of all life that has been hunkered down or hibernating over the last few months, following the process of letting life go of the attachments that were not necessary in order to conserve & sustain its energy during the cold dark season.
Read MoreBelieve it or not, the frequency of sound in ancient times was actually made up of 6 different tones that had a mathematical resonance, pitched at a different levels referred now as the Solfeggio Frequencies that is dated back to the Gregorian Monk hymns. These tones were used to stimulate the creation of conscious expansion that was later hidden by the church because of its value in universal consciousness & healing. Here are the original lost notes that the music we have known to love has never been in tune with.
Read MoreWhat I realized during some of these long over due evaluations of connections was that I was my own form of toxic poisoning to my well being, thoughts & beliefs. I had for years consumed the tainted koolaid that was served from a narcissistic parent that I thought was a refreshment, distorting my entire truth of self beliefs. I found a way during my later years in healing to forgive myself & that abused little girl inside that simply didn't know any better or differently.
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