Posts tagged life coach
Why People Hire A Life/Transition/Spiritual Coach?

This is a Cleint-Centered coaching partnership that guides them towards the results they are committed to achieve for personal/ professional or spiritual growth. It is composed of a series of sessions or a time sensitive program that allows the client to regain or ignite a source of passion, momentum or energy that has been missing. It works by setting the client up for success, while giving themself the permission to reclaim or take charge & action over their life for a better, healthier, happier one. Here are some life examples of why people hire a coach.

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Who Are You After Your Children Grow Up?

What becomes of this woman or person who built their kingdom around the role they naturally embodied with their children? Who are they in the absence of their offspring that are now off to become independent sovereignties all of their own. What will happen to the person who is no longer needed for every day things that once gave them meaning and value? Where is that person now who once had the natural skill set to pull off fundraising and social activities that they volunteered for, having natural business minded abilities driven and focused within the home and school? Are you ready to TRANSFORM yourself for the next phase of your life?

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