Sometimes you have to be selfish (you read that correctly) in the most genuine healthy way for your own self preservation, which goes against the nature of most people & personalities regardless of how you were raised. Im sure even the word SELFISH alone probably makes some, maybe even most feel utterly uncomfortable because it has such a negative mental inplantation connotation surrounding it.
Read MoreSometimes you have to be selfish (you read that correctly) in the most genuine healthy way for your own self preservation, which goes against the nature of most people & personalities regardless of how you were raised. Im sure even the word SELFISH alone probably makes some, maybe even most feel utterly uncomfortable because it has such a negative mental inplantation connotation surrounding it.
Read MoreI always felt haunted in my own body by the ghostly feeling of these unresolved bleeding wounds of being given away. Even as a grown woman, I still needed & wanted answers that only she had the power to relinquish over me. What would make a mother want to give their child away was a very big question I had, especially becoming a mother of my own adding more emotions to wounds that would never seem to heal.
Read MoreAfter some back & forth questions of my identity, the veil came down & together we embraced this unique reunion closing the circle to my biological mothers. For over a few years now we have been in contact, making the gap between us seem a bit smaller but today that is about to change. Jody (my aunt) is physically going to meet me this afternoon for the very first time & spend the week in Michigan getting know my family. This again is another circle closed by the sister of my biological parent that could never make the journey themself. Today Im going to meet my very own flesh & blood on my mothers side.
Read MoreI never once was taught from the early age of my adoption how to mourn & grieve my first initial loss that ended up effecting my entire life. I think because we are babies, the world around us was incapable of understanding the dynamics of this replacement mother/baby switch, believing we as children didn't have anything to grieve. Adoptees are looked upon as a blessing in someones else's life, while our own personal trauma from it goes unnoticed, ignored or dismissed, acting as if this loss never happened to us.
Read MoreIt saddens me deeply that this human infectious disease & infestation of HATRED is overpopulating this world more than any other virus on this planet. The numbers of this man made pathogen are frightening me more than any of the numbers associated with Mother Natures illnesses. If nature can have a cure for everything it produces, why aren't we as humans desperately trying to find the cure or remedy within our own twisted fucked up ways & eradicate what is ultimately killing all of us again & again over time.
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